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RClimate Images, Links to Data & R Script Files
Climate Trends |
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GISS Land & Ocean Temperature Anomaly Trends Shows monthly GISS Land & Sea Temperature Anomaly - C trend from 1880 until latest month available from NASA GISSTemp. Base period is 1951-1980. Decadal means shown in blue steps and last monthly value highlighted in red. Decadal means show steep rise since mid 1970s. | | Data |
GISS Land & Ocean Temperature Anomaly Map Users can use NASA's interactive tool to make a global map of temperature anomalies on a 2x2 degree grid at this link. Users can also download a text file of the data. I have developed an RClimate script to map the NASA GISTemp anomaly data using readily available R mapping packages. | | Data R script
RSS Global Land & Ocean Temperature Anomaly Trends Shows monthly satellite based RSS Land & Sea Temperature Anomaly - C from Nov., 1978 to last available month. Annual means are shown in blue steps and last monthly value highlighted in red. | | Data |
UAH Channel 5 Long Term and Current Month Trends Uses R's figure inside figure capability to show both the long term anomaly trend as well as the current month daily trend. R script includes data retrieval, conversion of wide format table to long format, calculation of monthly averages and production of 2 figures in one chart. | | Data
Consolidated Global Land and Ocean Temperature Anomaly Series Since 1880 Shows monthly temperature anomaly data for 5 major temperature L&O anomaly series: GISS, NOAA, Hadley, RSS and UAH. First 3 use station data, the last 2 use satellite based observations. The CSV data file is updated monthly from source agency data files. All source agency data is downloaded so that any changes in source data will be reflected in the consolidated file. RClimate.txt includes a series of custom functions() that I have written to facilitate LOTA download and analysis. Interested RUsers can source my RClimate functions with this link: | | |
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Consolidated Global Land and Ocean Temperature Anomaly Series for Selected Month Since 1880 This panel chart and table shows the monthly anomaly trends for the 5 major global temperature anomaly series and a table that shows how the selected month ranks over the entire record for each series. | | Data R Script
Year-to-data Consolidated Global Land and Ocean Temperature Anomaly Series Since 1880 This 5 panel chart and table shows the year-to-date anomaly trends for the 5 major global temperature anomaly series and a table that shows how the current year ranks over the entire record for each series.
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Common Baseline for 5 LOTA Series The 5 global land-ocean temperature anomaly (LOTA) series use different baseline periods, making direct comparisons between the series more difficult than it would be if each series had the same baseline period. This post shows how to convert the 5 major LOTA series to a common baseline. Links to on-line source data file and RClimate script are provided. Here is long term LOTA trends using a 133 month moving average and 1979-2008 baseline.
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SST Anomaly (Monthly) Shows monthly NOAA - NCDC monthly Sea Surface Temperature - C (SST) Anomaly trends, starting in 1880 to most current month. Decadal means shown in blue steps and last monthly value highlighted in red. | | Data |
Mean Sea Level Anomaly Shows monthly global mean sea level trends of NOAA's Laboratory of Satellite Altimetry global mean sea level data. The chart shows the missions (TOPEX, Jason-1, Jason-2) by color code and highlights the latest monthly data point. The seasonal signal has been removed and an inverted barometer has been applied. No glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) has been made. The overall rate of increase is 2.9 mm/yr. GIA estimates are in the 0.2 - 0.5 mm/yr range. This RClimate script requires user to download and save NetCDF file to own PC. Make sure to adjust source data file link in R script to properly locate the data file on your PC. | | Data |
Mean Sea Level Anomaly Shows monthly global mean sea level trends of University of Colorado - Boulder's satellite based data. Source data has not been updated since Sept., 2009. I will resume updating when source data is updated. Chart shows the monthly change in mean sea level in red, 60-days smoothing value in blue and overall trend in green. The overall rate of increase is 3.1 mm/yr, with a +- error band of 0.4 mm/yr. | | Data |
CO2 Trends - Mauna Loa Shows monthly CO2 (ppmv). Data from 1958 to last available month. Last monthly value highlighted in red. | | Data |
Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) Shows NASA Solar Radiation & Climate Experiment (SORCE) Mission Data from 2/25/03 to present. Data updated weekly. | | Data |
Nino_34 SST Anomaly Shows NOAA's weekly trend in Nino 3.4 SST anomalies from January, 1990 to most recent week. Data reflects week centered on Wednesdays. Periods with negative anomalies (La Nina like conditions) are shown in blue and periods with positive anomalies (El Nino like conditions) are shown in red. Most recent reading is highlighted in black. | | Data |
Pacific Decadal Oscillation Downloads and plots University of Washington, Joint Institute for the Study of Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO) monthly Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) from January, 1900 to latest available month at time script is run. Negative PDO months are shown in light blue and positive months are shown in pink. The most recent reading is highlighted in red. The title and legend include the latest data month.
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Polar Amplification: 2000 to 2009 Shows NASA GISS temperature anomaly by latitude zone for 2000-2009 compared to baseline period (1951-1980). Chart demonstrates significant Northern Hemisphere temperature anomaly increase with increasing latitudes. This means that Arctic regions are warming much more rapidly than the global mean. While the global mean temperature anomaly increased 0.6 C in 2000-2009, the Arctic region anomalies increased nearly 1.8 C. | | Data |
Arctic Sea ice Extent: Comparison of 2010 and 2007 Trends Retrieves JAXA daily Arctic Sea Ice Extent (SIE) csv file, plots 2007 and 2010 trends, highlights the maximum and current values for both series, calculates the decline rate for selected time periods and displays as table in plot.
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Arctic Sea Ice Extent Daily Change Comparison: 2007 vs 2010 | | |
Arctic Sea Ice Extent by Month Shows National Snow and Ice Data Center's (NSIDC) monthly Arctic Sea Ice extent trends in millions of square kilometers from 1979 to latest month. Arctic sea ice extent includes areas with at least 15% sea ice concentrations. Since sea ice extent varies seasonally, the chart shows the trend for each month. The latest month trend shown is shown in red. All months show declining sea ice extent, which is consistent with polar amplification, rising SSTA and rising global mean temperature anomaly trends.
2nd chart shows just latest month. Trend line added to display OLS trend line for monthly data. | | Data |
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NSIDC Annual Arctic Sea ice Extent Max, Min & Melt
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Arctic Sea Ice Extent Forecast - Sept 2011 I used a quadratic regression model to fit 1980 - 2010 NSDIC September sea ice extent (SIE) data. It hen forecast the Sept., 2011 SIE with this model. See Climate Charts & Graphs post. | | Data R script
Daily JAXA Arctic Sea Ice Extent for latest Month Shows JAXA daily Arctic Sea Ice extent trends in millions of square kilometers from 2002 to latest month. Arctic sea ice extent includes areas with at least 15% sea ice concentrations. Since sea ice extent varies seasonally, the chart shows the trend for the current month for each year from 2002 to the present. The latest daily reading is shown in red for the current year and previous years.
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Arctic Sea Ice Area Anomaly The University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)'s The Cryosphere Today (link) tracks Arctic sea ice extent and area on a daily basis, They maintain a chart called of daily sea ice area anomalies extending back to 1979. They call it the Tail of the Tape. Since it is so long, it can be difficult to read (link). I have developed a similar chart that displays in a single window so that readers can see the entire record in one glance. While the Cryoshpere Today gives more detail, I think my chart gives a better overview of the long term SIA anomaly trends. | | Data |
Temperature Sounding Profile Here's an RClimate based plot of Washington DC area atmospheric temperature soundings that will be updated daily. | | R Script |
Arctic Oscillation NOAA updates monthly Arctic Oscillation Index (link).
Recent AO data for past 120 days.
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Climate Oscillations and GISS Anomalies This series constructs monthly file of GISS anomaly, PDO,AMO and ENSO data series and performs detailed analysis of the consolidated data file. | R script to develop consolidated file of monthly GISS, PDO, AMO, ENSO data series | R script |
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